FAQS Motor

We present some of the FAQs we hear about our unique motor insurance for afpop members. We are always happy to explain our benefits and costs, if there is something else you would like to clarify. If you can not find what you are looking for here, search with further detail in our document about FAQs or call our services.

Third Party Liability Insurance is compulsory for all motor vehicles and trailers for use on public roads with minimum capital of from 7.750.000 € up to 50.000.000 €.
The compulsory insurance covers loss or damages caused to third parties, including passengers in the vehicle but excluding the driver.

In Portugal we insure the vehicle not the driver. The cover is for any driver with the permission of the policy holder. Friends can drive the vehicle, but we recommend a written authorization to show the Police / GNR.

Check if your Green Card is valid for all the countries you wish to drive to, and if you need to pay any additional premium to extend the covers of your policy.

According to Portuguese Law and European Union (EU) recommendations and rules, the insurance must be done in the country where the vehicle is registered. This principle is the same and valid in all the other (EU) countries. To insure a foreign vehicle in Portugal, the matriculation process to Portuguese plates must have already started.

The bonus can be transferred from your previous insurer, even foreign, and benefit from a discount due to not having accidents in your records as a driver.

If there are no injuries and only involved two vehicles, you must complete the Accident Statement form (download), as far as possible, and deliver it to our claims department to proceed with the claims process.

Even if you call the police, MEDAL recommends you also complete the declaration of accident form to help inform your insurance company. Only leave the scene of the accident when the police allow you to do so. 

For most accidents, the quickest way to receive your insurance compensation is to complete the accident report form. Once the report has been signed by both drivers, you can leave the scene of the accident.

Tel. 282 430 800 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

R. Dr. Teófilo Braga, 3A - 1º
Apartado 948, 8501-919 Portimão
Tel.: +351 282 430 800
(Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
Avª. José dos Santos Farias, Lt. 83, R/C Dto. 
8135-167 Almancil
Tel.: +351 289 351 000
(Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
Lagos (Open soon)


MEDAL – Gestão e Mediação de Seguros, Lda. NIF 503 550 035 | Capital Social 500.000,00€ | Mediador de seguros inscrito, em 27/01/2007, no registo da ASF-Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões com a categoria de Agente de Seguros, sob o Nº 407154810/3, com autorização para os ramos VIDA e NÃO VIDA verificável em www.asf.com.pt. 
RAv. Sabóia, 487 C/D
2765-298 Estoril
Tel.: +351 210 523 130
(Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)



MEDAL TARGET - Mediador de Seguros, LdaNIF 514 942 517 | Capital Social 60.000,00€ | Mediador de seguros inscrito, em 09/02/2022, no registo da ASF-Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões com a categoria de Agente de Seguros, sob o Nº 422572641 /3, com autorização para os ramos VIDA e NÃO VIDA verificável em www.asf.com.pt.